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Industrial Burners

Get fired up!

Reliable and rugged best describe the Hauck industrial burners line that has been a force in the combustion industry since 1888. With proactive engineering and R&D departments, the company provides tightly integrated combustion solutions to the steel, aluminum, glass, brick, drying, ceramic and asphalt industries. These burners have proven to be reliable in a range of applications including; heat-treating, drying and process heating.

Industrial Gas Burners

With natural gas costs at near historic lows is it time to consider switching fuels in your plant? Our range of natural gas burners covers most industries and applications.

Burner Types:

  • General Purpose
  • Packaged Burners
  • Radiant Tube Burners
  • Kiln Burners
  • Dryers
  • Self-Recuperative Burners
  • Thermal Fluid Heaters
  • Rotary Aggregate Dryers
Contact us for pricing information or industrial burners selection assistance.